Star Trek Online Ship Slots

Star Trek Online may be set in some sort of idealistic utopia, but the game practices have left its fanbase feeling as though it was living in anything but paradise. For starters, the four-ship $120 Discovery Operations pack has many players feeling as though they were getting less for more. Star Trek Online, from now until 10 a.m. PST on Monday, February 15th, 2016, is having a 20% off ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well. Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding. All ships in the C-Store are 20% off, excluding the new. Star Ship Loadout hints and tips for Star Trek Online. 0 1 Star Ship Loadout. As you first level up in the game you will notice the weapons and The consoles used to enhance the ships abilities have many different types. Here is what best to do if you want to keep the maximum best out of your ship. I use a Advanced Heavy Escort Carrier.

With Season 11.5, we’re adding a new and long requested feature from Captains who wanted greater control over the appearance of their ship. Captains will now be able to equip Deflectors, Impulse Engines and Shields in the new Visuals tab to modify the visual appearance of their ship, without using the stats or set bonuses on those items. The items equipped in the slots in the Visuals tab overrides the appearance of any matching item that is normally equipped.

This will let Captains use the equipment that suits their playstyle, while simultaneously allowing them to customize their ships appearance with the equipment that suits their tastes. For example, if you like the look of the Romulan Shields, but like the stats on the Nukara Shields, you will be able to get the best of both by equipping the Nukara Shields to your ship, and the Romulan Shields to your new Visuals tab.

Only Deflectors, Impulse Engines and Shields that modify the appearance of your ship can be equipped in the Visuals tab. While equipped in the Visuals tab, the Visuals cannot be disabled either. The Visuals tab works with Loadouts and with automated equipment transfers to newly commissioned ships.

We look forward to seeing Captains flying in style with the launch of Season 11.5!

Daniel “FlyingTarg” Razza
Lead Programmer
Star Trek Online

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A ship slot is a spot occupied by a ship. Think of it as a docking space. A player only gets a limited number of ship slots and can therefore only have so many ships. A player begins with two ship slots but can get up to 14 (5 initial slots, 6 from promotions + 3 from accolades) through in-game means, or more still by purchasing it from the C-Store.

Ships may be stored in Dry Dock Slots when not in use.

Ship slots are individual to each character, i.e. if you have 2 empty slots on one character, they cannot be used for ships on another.

Star Trek Online Ship Weapon Slots

Obtaining additional ship slots[edit | edit source]

Star Trek Online Ships Tree


Obtaining or purchasing more slots will only apply to one character, with the exception of Veteran Rewards which apply to your entire account. Methods to obtain more:

  • An additional ship slot is added for each promotion (per character):
    • Lieutenant Commander
    • Commander
    • Captain
    • Rear Admiral, Lower Half / Brigadier General
    • Rear Admiral, Upper Half / Major General
    • Vice Admiral / Lieutenant General, for a maximum of 6 by ranking up.
  • Veteran Rewards, which unlock once per account but apply for each character:
    • 200 day Veteran Reward adds one ship slot with the accolade Redoubtable
    • 500 day Veteran Reward adds another ship slot with the accolade Relentless
    • 1000 day Veteran Reward adds another ship slot with the accolades Starfleet Veteran and Empire Veteran, for a maximum of 3 from accolades
  • “The Vault” [FED/KDF] adds a ship slot with the accolade Size Doesn't Matter (per character)
  • “Small Packages” [ROM] adds a ship slot with the accolade Size Doesn't Matter (per character)
  • 2 ship slots are available from the C-Store for a price of 500 (per character, repeatable). A maximum of 48 ships can be purchased in this way.

Update history[edit | edit source]

  • Maximum ship slots purchasable from the C-Store increased from 28 on November 3rd, 2011 to 48 on January 30th, 2014.
  • Initial ship slots were increased from 2 to 4 on May 8th, 2014.[1]. Initial slots seem to have been increased to 5 at some point after this.

Star Trek Online Ship Guide

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