Best Long Term Roulette Strategy

We thought it would be best to give a mention to flat betting with roulette and outline the upsides and downsides to it. Almost every roulette strategy ever created involves some kind of Mathematical progression where you either increase your bets after a loss or increase them after a win, the Martingale being the most common. Jul 05, 2019  The investments are logical, intelligent and the bets are designed to get the best long-term result, in short, a real roulette strategy that really exponentially increases our chances of winning.

What’s the best long term roulette strategy? Many players believe they wont ever play over 10,000 spins, so they don’t need a long-term winning system. This is one of many roulette articles that make the facts clear.

Roulette Terms Glossary

It’s very easy to design a roulette strategy that will usually profit “most of the time”. For example, just bet 30 numbers for 1 spin, and you’ll win most of the time. So you could say this is a “short term winning system”. A player that uses such a system may brag to friends that they win most of the time. But if they repeated the process numerous times, eventually one of the wrong numbers will hit, and they will lose a lot. This example is just to make a point that winning “most of the time” does not mean you will profit.

Most systems use the same losing approach, but in a roundabout way

The average roulette system uses complex forms of the same thing. For example, the system may require a bet on 32 red, but only when:

a. There have been no reds for 5 spins in a row, and

Best Long Term Roulette Strategy

b. A column hasn’t spun in the past 5 spins, and

c. An even number hasn’t spun in the past 5 spins.

This is just an example but in this case, this system wont work because none of these independent events increase the accuracy of predictions at all, so no combination will either. But the example illustrates that a system can be highly complex, but in the end almost all systems have the same kind of approach in roundabout ways. Yet the player may be convinced they’ve stumbled onto a secret combination and set of rules (the system) that works.

A profit and loss comparison

Some understanding of roulette odds will help here.

Let’s say you had a short-term winning system. That’s a system where you will win your target amount, then leave. Now say if 1,000 other players all line up behind you, and applied the same short-term system after you left. The chances are most players will win, and a few will lose. Let’s say 900 players won, and 100 lost. So the totals may be:

The 900 Winning players: $10,000 profit

The 100 Losing Players: $11,000 loss

From this you can see the 100 players each lost a lot more than what each winning player won. Yet “most” players won.

Is your system any different?

If your system is something like “bet red, and increase bet size after a loss”, then you probably just started playing roulette. Learn about the best red black roulette system and understand what can and cannot be done. For people who have been playing roulette for years, their system is much more complex and involves a more intricate set of procedures, without an understanding that they do not at all increase the accuracy of predictions, or profit. Certainly there are systems that can profit after even 100,000 spins, but with the following reservations (one or more of the below):

a. Usually a negative progression is required, where you bet less as your bankroll depletes: such systems can enable you to stay at tables for a long time.

b. Progression is used, where good luck can give enormous wins. But bad luck can completely wipe out your bankroll. This is a very common losing roulette strategy.

c. The bankroll is sustained by relatively few but large wins. Even over 100,000 spins, there may have been just 50 lucky wins when you were making very large bets. 50 spins is short-term, and anything can happen in the short term. For example, if your progression (bet size after losses) was 1,2,4,8,16,32, then back to 1 unit after a loss . . . and you won while betting 32 units, this is very lucky and will help sustain your bankroll. but if you consider how often that big lucky win occurred, you’ll better understand it really was just luck. You can tell this is the case if your bankroll trend has relatively few but very large “ups”.

Putting things into perspective

Again it’s very common for a player to have a “short term winning system”. In fact it’s very easy to have this and most players initially assume they have a no lose roulette system, until they test it (learn how to test your roulette system). When I started playing roulette, I was happy doubling my money with a simple dozens progression system. I too thought I would keep profiting if I only played short term. Eventually reality hit me and I lost big, and understood I really knew nothing. All I was doing was making separate different sized bets. There was no connection from one spin to another. So I was simply varying bet size, nothing more.

Literally I have been developing roulette systems and technology for around 20 years. There was even a period of about 5 years where I would work on systems almost every day. It was not so much an obsession – it was more a hobby and passion.

If you think you have a winning system, although it only requires you to win in the short term, consider the following:

1. What if 1,000 people all applied the system in the short term? Would the overall amount won exceed the overall losses?

2. How would 1,000 separate players playing 1 session each be different to you playing 1,000 sessions?

3. If your system has won over 10,000 or so spins in tests, were the wins the result of “lucky wins” when your bets were large? And can you repeat the success over multiple groups of 10,000 spins?

4. If you run profit/loss simulations by just betting red over 10,000 spins, how often will you have profited? And does a profit indicate this system works, or merely profited in the test?

Approaches used by professional roulette players

Casinos know how players are beating roulette. They know what roulette strategies do and don’t work. I personally know many casino staff, and none are aware of any case where a consistent winning player used anything other than a method based on roulette wheel physics. I’m not saying such a method doesn’t exist, but I don’t believe it has been done, at least yet. The roulette strategies that actually work, and are known by casinos to work, involve roulette wheel physics.

While I try to inform players why a method will likely fail, and how to test their systems properly, most players don’t appear to understand. Because if they did understand, they wouldn’t produce systems that are essentially the same, just repackaged in a different way.

My method of approach is physics, because I know it works. It literally pays my bills. But I’m not saying this is the “best” way. Although it is the “best way I’ve found” so far.

If you are developing roulette systems . . .

Best Roulette Betting Strategy

Understanding why most players lose is important to learning how to win at roulette. If you are working on your own roulette system to beat roulette, I suggest first understand the basics. Literally it took me years to understand why my initial roulette strategies were all the same nonsense that failed. And when I came to understand that I needed to actually increase the accuracy of predictions, I still didn’t accept it for some time because it didn’t “suit” me. I wanted something “my way”. I wanted a purely mechanical system. After all it needed to be clean and simple. It was not until some years later that I developed my JAA wheel analysis software which makes complex physics-based methods simple and practical to use.

But if you are looking beyond physics, technically it isn’t really possible because everything is explained with physics. But at least focus on developing new and innovative ways to beat roulette, which are centred around predicting the winning number. Some of what I’ve tested includes precognition methods (involving many participants and the “majority vote” method), and although initial trials were promising, I haven’t had time to pursue the research.

In short, learn to identify when your system is the same thing repackaged. And try something NEW!

Ultimately what is best long term roulette strategy? It depends on where you play, because there isn’t a particular system that suits all wheels. Once you understand the capabilities of each approach, you can identify the best long term winning system to use.

Most people think there’s no real roulette system that works. These people have no real experience in roulette and in fact, there are many systems that do work and cost casinos a fortune.

Firstly, perhaps we’ll draw the distinction between a roulette strategy and roulette system. Most players will consider them much the same thing, however I consider a strategy to be more with matters such as withdrawing funds, avoiding detection, how you structure your team and so on. I consider the roulette system to be the actual mechanism of bet selection.

Nevertheless, this article is more written for people who are new to roulette, and are looking for the safest roulette bet, strategy or system, whatever you’d like to call it.

Keep in mind this article is more for players who just want to have fun, without any serious intent to earn a living from roulette. If you want to earn a living from roulette, see which explains a more appropriate approach.

Inside vs Outside Bets

Inside bets are roulette bets such as individual numbers, and generally I wouldn’t advise them for the casual player. However it may be important for you to know that these are in fact the only types of bets you can beat roulette in the long-term. But for the casual player who is perhaps on a vacation to Vegas, they wouldn’t be suitable because it is not uncommon for a particular number to not win in 200 or so spins. Likewise, random bet selection of individual numbers can give you a similar losing streak.

So I recommend that casual players stick to outside bets such as colours, dozens, odds and evens and so on.

Alternatively, if you like the concept of inside bets, then try sprinkling across a greater array of individual numbers. This is not as convenient though because spreading this many chips can be difficult, especially when some old lady is in your way. Believe me this same old lady tends to be in the same casino everywhere.

Best Strategy To Win Roulette

Any method that works involves inside roulette bets, including methods to predict roulette numbers visually, roulette wheel bias, and the best winning roulette system explained on my home page.

Bankroll Management

When a winning roulette strategy is used correctly, bankroll management becomes less important because the approach becomes a relatively safe roulette strategy. Especially when you become impatient, or perhaps are driven by adrenaline, it is easy to dramatically increase the size of your bets to chase that big win. This is one of the first steps to gambling addiction, but let’s assume you are just having some fun once in a blue moon. It still pays to have strict rules that you don’t break. Bankroll management plan allows you to do this.

A simple and safe strategy involves setting the bet size based on your remaining bankroll. You can adopt the same strategy in sports betting, horseracing etc. In the case of roulette, perhaps start with $25 units, and once you reach your profit target, leave and cash in your chips. If your bankroll depletes, then reduce the size of your bets to perhaps $5 units. Generally if you are playing online or with touch bet roulette, you have a greater flexibility to vary the bet size, because placing your bets is quicker and easier.

Such a roulette strategy is particularly useful if you wish to sustain long periods of play, without going bust.

The Up and Down Red/Black Strategy: a Good Safe Roulette System

If you are just playing for fun, the following roulette strategy can do quite well in the short-term, and at least be lower risk than many other strategies that involve a lot of bets.

Start by betting one chip on red. If you lose, on the next spin, make the same bet plus one chip. If you win, then reduce your bet by one chip. Of course this approach is still based on luck, but you will often find this simple approach will quickly pay for a meal while visiting for the casino.

One adaptation of this system is to run the process on all even chance bets, all at the same time. It works very well in the short term, but in the long term it is no different to any other bet. This doesn’t mean you can repeat it with lots of players in the short term and profit, because lots of short term players is no different to a single player in the long term.

Whats The Safest Roulette Bet?

They are all much the same in the long term. But if you are looking for something “safe”, then you are probably referring to a safe bet that wont blow your bankroll. You could bet 35 numbers on the roulette wheel, and perhaps you’ll see that as “safe”, but then you risk losing a larger sum, although the odds are against it. But again it’s not as if you can repeat the process many times in the casino and expect that you wont eventually lose. See more of my roulette articles for further detail.

Many people might suggest a red or black bet is the safest. This is untrue because they are still affected by the house edge. A bet like red may mean you’ll win more often, but it’s really no different to betting on 18 numbers. Except with betting 18 numbers, at least your bets can represent a specific wheel sector.

The Winning Systems Used By Professionals


Maybe you’re not necessary looking for a safe system to keep your winnings longer. Perhaps you want to play professionally and earn a living from roulette. If that’s that case, then you need a roulette system that applies physics. Roulette strategies that apply physics are the only methods that legitimately beat roulette in the long term, and from this perspective, they are the safest roulette systems. But they’re very different to a system like the Martingale, where you use betting progression.

They are very safe to apply because:

  1. You use flat bets only – your bets are the same size on each spin. You can use betting progression, but you don’t need to. You rely on a long term edge to win, not luck.
  2. You have a higher edge than the casino’s typical -2.7% edge against you.

The only real danger of a professional roulette system is that if conditions on the wheel change, you can go from predicting the correct sector to avoiding it. And this makes you win lose than you would with random bet selection. That’s why professional systems are often called a double-edged sword. But used correctly, a professional system is far safer than most systems, and more assured to make a profit.

See the home page for the best and safest roulette systems that work.