How To Win Blackjack Reddit

I can't guarantee that you will win at Blackjack every time. But if you follow the pieces of advice I included in this strategy article and use all of them in your next games; your results will skyrocket. Basic Strategy to Win at Blackjack. Blackjack is a game based on mathematical probability.

By Henry Tamburin
One of the most often asked questions from players about blackjack strategy, is 'how should I bet?' You've got several options and I'll discuss them in this article and offer my recommendation.

Flat Bet Blackjack Strategy

This means betting the same amount all the time. Most players don't like to bet this way because they figure if the dealer wins more hands then them they'll never win any money. Also players feel it's boring betting this way. They prefer the thrill of sometimes betting more in the hopes that when they do so, they will win the hand and make a nice profit.

Here are the facts on the flat betting blackjack strategy. If you bet say $5 on every hand in a standard multiple deck game the house will have an edge of 0.5% against the skilled basic strategy player. That means you will lose on average 0.5% of every wager you make. So if you bet $10 on every hand and average 80 hands per hour you will have made a total of $800 worth of bets. The casino expects to earn 0.5% of the $800 or $4.00. Of course the more likely result is that you'll win or lose much more than $4 after an hour of play. But on average you can expect over time to lose at the rate of $4 per hour.

Let's take an example of a player flat betting $10 on every hand. It's is a conservative betting strategy that leads to a relatively low theoretical loss rate. The fluctuation in this player's bankroll will also be low which means the likelihood he'll have a big winning or losing session is not great.

Progressive Betting Blackjack Strategy

This is where things get interesting. The Progressive betting blackjack strategy is when players vary their bets in some way from one hand to the next rather than always betting the same amount on every hand. There are all different types of betting progressions but they all have one common denominator. You either decrease or increase your next bet depending upon whether the hand you just played won or lose.

Win progressions encourage you to increase your bet size after a winning hand. For example you make a minimum bet of $10 and if you win, you raise your next stakes on next hand to $20.

There are all different kinds of win progressions. The most common is a 1-2-3-5 progression. This means you increase your bet by the above multiples after each winning hand but as soon as you experience a loss, you start the progression over with a 1 unit bet.

Proponents of win progressions will tell you that you'll win more money if you win 5 consecutive hands compared to the amount you lose if you lose 5 consecutive hands. Of course what they don't tell you is that you never know when that 5 consecutive winning hand streak will occur.

There are also betting progressions in which you increase your bet following a loss. These Martingale type betting progression are dangerous and you should never consider using them.

There is also hybrid betting progressions, which have you increase your bets following a win, but after two or three success wins you lock up some profit and gradually regress your bets. The creativity of progressive bettors is never ending.

First of all, blackjack strategy for betting progressions do not change the 0.5% house edge one iota. There has never been a correlation between the hand just won (or lost) and you chance of winning the next hand. In other words using the criteria of the result of one hand (W/L) to base how you bet on the next hand has no scientific validity. So betting progressions in the long run don't work in the sense that they won't improve your long-term chances of winning.

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But here's what betting progressions will do. First off they increase the fluctuation in your session bankroll compared to flat betting. This means you can win more using a betting progression compared to flat betting but you can also lose more. Secondly, betting progressions will increase the amount of money you wager per hour compared to flat betting. If a $10 bettor uses a 1-2-3-5 betting progression, his average bet will $20. Over an hour he will average $20 times 80 hands or $1600 worth of bets. The casinos expected win is 0.5% of $1600 or $8. In other words a $10 progressive bettor stands to lose twice as much per hour as a $10 flat bettor.

Here's a tip to save you some money in the long run if you insist on using a betting progression. Instead of starting your progression at $10, start at a lower amount (ie. $5). This will reduce your average bet to $10 per hour and cut you hourly theoretical loss rate in half.


But in the long run flat betting and betting progressions don't work in the sense they won't change the house edge against you and you will lose in the long run. So what betting system works? That my friends is card counting.

Betting When You Have The Edge (Card Counting)

With card counting you know when you have the edge based on the change in the composition of the decks and therefore you'll know when it's the right time to bet more. So unlike betting progressions that are based on whether you win or lose the previous hands, card counting is based on the mix of cards that were played on previous hands. If more small value cards were played in previous rounds, there are more big value cards left in the unplayed cards and the edge shifts from dealer to player. This would be the best time to bet more.


But I'm realist. Not a whole lot of average blackjack players have the time or mental concentration during play that is required to master one of the popular point count card counting systems. These are readily available in blackjack books. But even though millions of blackjack books have been sold since Ed Thorp's classic book, Beat The Dealer (circa 1962) first revealed card counting to the masses, the number of players who can successful win money in the long run at blackjack number in the hundreds and thousands.

So what's the answer to betting at blackjack for the average player? I asked Don Pronovost that same question about four years ago. Don is a software developer that markets blackjack training software. He spent the better part of two years and a trillion computer simulated hands looking for the solution to this dilemma. What he developed is Speed Count.

Speed Count is unlike any conventional card counting system. It's much simpler to master and requires much less concentration when you play. And unlike progressive betting systems, Speed Count will give you a verifiable advantage over the casino You can read about Speed Count in Frank Scoblete’s book, Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution.

How To Win Blackjack Red Dead Redemption

Now that you know the scoop on betting at blackjack, I wish you many aces and faces the next time you play.

Henry Tamburin has been a respected casino gambling writer for the past 50 years. He is the author of the Ultimate Blackjack Strategy Guide and was editor of the Blackjack Insider newsletter. You can read his latest articles on blackjack, video poker, and his personal playing experiences at

Many blackjack players crave behind the scenes information. The best sources of this information are most often employees of the casino. Recently, a Las Vegas blackjack dealer made some waves on the social media site Reddit when he decided to talk about his job in what Reddit calls an AMA session. AMA stands for Ask Me Anything, and Reddit users happily obliged. What the blackjack dealer revealed was somewhat telling.

Las Vegas Blackjack Secrets

One of the first things revealed by the blackjack dealer on Reddit was that the game of blackjack is not rigged by the casino. Under the screen name Mssuekim1983, the dealer stated unequivocally that no attempts are made by the casino to cheat.

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This makes perfect sense. Why would the casino need to cheat players when it has a built-in advantage. The dealer did concede that casinos use subtle methods of increasing their advantage. These can include the introduction of side bets which are very unfavorable for the player. Otherwise the game is straightforward and fair.

Some Reddit users scoffed at this and asked why the dealer always seemed to make a 20 when hitting a 12 while the player always busts. The dealer had a great response to this. He stated that blackjack players are more likely to remember their crushing losses than they are their big wins. At Counting Edge we would agree with this assessment.

Most Blackjack Dealers Are Rooting For Players to Win

Counting Cards Blackjack Reddit

There is a great scene in Vegas Vacation where Clark Griswold is menaced by a hateful blackjack dealer. The scene reaches its peak with the blackjack dealer telling Griswold he should just hand over his money and let the dealer kick him in the testicles! While this scene is funny, it does not accurately represent most dealers.

Dealers are people, too. Some of them even like to play blackjack at other casinos when they are off work. When you crush the casino you might be giving them the hope that they can do the same thing when they have a chance to play.

Another reason dealers like players to win is that winning players are likely to give them better tips. The losing blackjack player tips good—said no blackjack dealer ever. Dealers and other casino workers all make a significant part of their living from tips. The more players win, the more the dealer makes. Period.

Finally, the dealer has no personal stake in you losing. They do not receive a bonus from the casino if you lose your shirt. Their paycheck is exactly the same.

Blackjack Dealers Don’t Usually Catch Cheats

The occurrences of players attempting to cheat at live blackjack are rare the blackjack dealer stated in his Reddit AMA. In all his time dealing the game, he only dealt with one cheater. The thing is, the dealer did not spot the cheater in action because his cheating was effortless. It had obviously been perfected over many blackjack sessions.

The Las Vegas blackjack dealer said that it is casino surveillance which usually spots the cheater, not the dealer. The Eye in the Sky is everywhere in the casino. It cannot be avoided. You will be caught if you cheat. It’s just a matter of time.

Blackjack Dealers Make Mistakes

How To Win Online Blackjack Reddit

No dealer is perfect. Dealing blackjack is done by human hands and therefore subject to human error. Blackjack dealers often make mistakes when dealing the cards. It isn’t really a big deal as long as the dealer immediately informs the pit boss of their error.

The dealer on Reddit stated that players should inform the supervisor if the dealer does not. The reason for this is that the error has likely been spotted by casino surveillance. The failure of the player to report it could cause surveillance to believe that collusion between the player and dealer is taking place.

It is fun to play live blackjack, but did you know that you can play blackjack online right from the comfort of home? Simply choose one of the online casinos recommended by Counting Edge and you’ll be rewarded with a generous sign up bonus. It takes only a few minutes to sign up and you can play on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

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Big Blackjack Wins

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