Incredibly useful instructable from reibuehl:
Yup, you are reading this article because you already have your Raspberry Pi SD card on your table. So we will not discuss on how helpful it can be for your Pi projects and other daily stuff that you do with your little computing system. Today, I will explain how you can format SD card for Raspberry Pi. One of my Raspberry Pi's would not boot up after a reboot. The SD card was corrupted, sadly beyond repair. This article walks you through the steps I took to try to fix the SD card, including fsck, badblocks and other filesystem utilities. Apr 25, 2014 It turned out that as simple as pushing the SD card in Windows Vista/7/8 computer can already fix your SD card. Just use the windows error checking option (right click on the SD card - properties - tools - press 'Check now' under error checking) to check the filesystem for any corruption.
Like so many others, I recently faced the issue of a broken SD card slot on my Raspberry Pi B. A thin piece of the top of the brittle SD card slot broke off, making the slot unusable since it could not press the SD card onto the contacts anymore.

I checked for solutions and found this Instructable but I couldn’t find a suitable replacement SD card slot for a reasonable price, so I came up with the idea of using an Adafruit Low-profile microSD card adapter as a “slot” since I had one readily available.
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Fix Raspberry Pi Sd Card Slot

Raspberry Pi Fix Sd Slot
Low-profile microSD card adapter for Raspberry Pi: Make your Pi a little slimmer with this microSD card adapter board. It slides in where the SD card goes but is half the length. Pop in a microSD card for a sleeker machine. Grand casino monaco dress code. The microSD card holder is a push-push type so you can push on the edge that sticks out to remove the card when necessary. (Read more)
Raspberry Pi Sd Card Corruption Fix
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